Maria Lida Foundation News
First Quarter Newsletter 2021
Dear Supporters:
Greetings from our teams in Ecuador and the United States! We are excited to share new initiatives that we've been building the...
2020 Impact Report
Dear Supporters:
Happy New Year from our team in Ecuador and the United States!
We have exciting updates about our work in Ecuador in 2020. C...
COVID-19 Relief Efforts
Dear Family, Friends, and Supporters:
Thank you all very much for your support on #GivingTuesday and beyond!
We've now held four operations to deli...
Update: COVID-19
Dear Family, Friends, and Supporters:
We hope you all are staying safe and healthy during this time. The COVID-19 crisis has brought significant ch...
COVID-19 Message
Dear MLF Family,
Due to current global events regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and based on the recommendations from the World Health ...
We Launched a New Tourism Website!
Maria Lida Foundation Launches New Website to Encourage Travelers to Say "Yes" to Alausí, Ecuador
We are thrilled to announce our launch of a new w...
2019 Third and Fourth Quarter Newsletter
Dear Family, Friends, and Supporters:
I hope you all are enjoying the Holiday Season. As always, I am excited to report the Maria Lida Foundation’s...
2019 2nd Quarter Newsletter
Dear Family, Friends, and Supporters:
The Maria Lida Foundation has accomplished important milestones since my last newsletter that I am happy to s...
2019 1st Quarter Newsletter
Dear Family, Friends, and Supporters:
Hello from Detroit! I am back in Michigan for a short period of time and have news to report to you. Much has...
September/October 2018 Newsletter
Dear Family, Friends, and Supporters:
Hello from Alausí! I am back in Ecuador for a few months to continue working on our mission to create econom...
August 2018 Newsletter
Dear Family, Friends, and Supporters:
Hello from Michigan! I am back in the States for a few weeks to attend a family friend’s wedding and fund rai...
Special Fundraiser Thanks
I want to specifically thank the following people who helped make the Fundraiser a huge success:
My Parents and Sisters for helping with all event ...
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