A nonprofit organization with the mission of promoting self-sustaining economic development in Alausí, Ecuador through tourism, education, and training programs.
Our Focus


Support Our Cause
Thank you for your interest in supporting the Maria Lida Foundation! Your donation will contribute to our mission of promoting economic development in Alausí, Ecuador. We greatly appreciate your generosity.
The Maria Lida Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
organization, donations to which may be deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Ryan's ASK Program (Alausí Scholarships for Kids) Program
Sponsor a student(s) to attend the local San Francisco de Sales school. Due to COVID19, many students had to withdraw from the school as they are unable to afford tuition.
Help us invest in the future of Alausí, Ecuador!
Plan Your Trip to Alausí
We are pleased to have launched a new website, www.sialausi.com, to encourage and increase tourism to the Alausí, Ecuador area. Enjoy its vast content to help you plan your trip!