Maria Lida Foundation News

July 2018 Newsletter

July 2018 Newsletter
Dear Family, Friends, and Supporters: Hello from Alausí, Ecuador! I hope you all are enjoying the summer season with family and friends. July was a...

June 2018 Newsletter

June 2018 Newsletter
I’m very excited to share that a lot has happened over the last month since the last newsletter was sent! By early May, I recruited an 11-person Board of Directors for the Maria Lida Foundation.

The Start of the Maria Lida Foundation

The Start of the Maria Lida Foundation
I am forming a nonprofit organization which will be called the Maria Lida Foundation. I chose to use this name to honor Maria Lida Toledo Benalcazar de O’Neill, my beloved grandmother.

Welcome to Our New Website and Foundation Newsletters

Welcome to Our New Website and Foundation Newsletters
I want to welcome all of you to our new website for the Maria Lida Foundation! I will be keeping everyone up to date with Maria Lida Foundation Ne...