Ryan's ASK Program

We are thrilled to announce that we have launched a program to provide tuition scholarships to students attending the local San Francisco de Sales school!
San Francisco de Sales is a school in Alausí, Ecuador that provides high quality education and serves students from kindergarten through twelfth grade. (This is also where Maria Lida received her education, and is the location of our English courses.)
Due to COVID19, many parents have had to withdraw their children from the school as they could no longer afford the tuition costs. This has greatly impacted children's education and how many teachers and staff the school can continue to employ.
This initiative will help support our mission of promoting self-sustaining economic development using education as a vehicle. We are excited to invest in the community's education and local economy through this program, by helping students continue to receive a quality education and allowing the school to keep teachers and staff on board!
This project is being sponsored by the parents of Ryan, Maria Lida Foundation's first Program Director in Ecuador. It is named Ryan's ASK (Alausí Scholarships for Kids) Program to commemorate Ryan's fantastic work in Alausí!
There are still many children in need of tuition scholarships for the 2024-2025 school year. If you would like to sponsor a student, please contact us at admin@marialidafoundation.org or sign up for a sponsorship by clicking on the link below. Tuition cost per year per student is $550.