COVID-19 Message

Dear MLF Family,

Due to current global events regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and based on the recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO), Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador, and Ministry of Education of Ecuador, we will be conducting our operations by using virtual tools and platforms. This includes conducting our English Program online with the help of our amazing team of Professors in Ecuador.

It is important for us to help keep our staff and students safe and healthy, which means we will continue to run our operations in this manner until advised otherwise by authorities.

We encourage all to follow accurate public health advice regarding this situation. This includes reviewing official travel advisories before considering travel.

Please find below important information provided by the WHO:…/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019…/novel-coronavirus-2…/advice-for-public

Many thanks to our team and supporters. We wish everyone health and safety during this time!


MLF Leadership